Pug Humor Leads to Life Lessons

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

I live in a non-smoking apartment building. A couple of people who smoke have to go outside to have a cigarette. One day when I was leaving, I noticed a cigarette butt on the floor of the lobby. I didn’t pick it up. I went on by thinking that the smoker would pick it up. Or maybe I was being lazy, or not wanting to pick up something that could be contaminated in this age of virulent viruses. Not sure why.

The next day, the cigarette butt was still there. And again, I walked on by. The third day, I had my little Pug, Izzy, in tow. She stopped to smell the cigarette butt and threw up several pieces of kibble onto it. I thought, What an insightful little doggie.

Now I was forced to do something about it, but we were in a hurry to go potty outside so I would get something to pick it up with when I got back. Later, I got a paper towel and went back downstairs to take care of the problem.

A man was standing there, looking at the mess, then deciding that it was not his problem, he did the same thing I had been doing and walked away. I picked up the mess, wondering about the spiritual gift inside of this conundrum??????

I finally decided this experience came under the Law of Economy because there were several lessons. Lesson number one was that I was being given the opportunity to do something for God to make this world a better place by picking up the mess. Secondly, it was an opportunity to do one thing for love and love alone, without anyone else knowing. 

Third, it let me know that I was not leaving the kibble in the hot water long enough for it to turn to mush and be digestible for my little toothless doggie. And finally, I shared the part of the story with a friend where Issy threw up on the cigarette butt, making a strong statement about how she felt about smoking. This caused some hilarious laughter and laughter opens the heart and fills every cell with joy and love, a priceless gift.


Nettie Clarke grew up in British Columbia, Canada. She left home at the tender age of 17 and moved to Seattle, Washington, to go to beauty school. Her life has since been very colorful and marked with a lot of change.  Throughout all of the highs and lows of her life, she has been very focused on her spiritual journey, trying to understand the meaning and purpose of life. She has learned through the Eckankar teachings how to recognize God’s love in the seemingly unimportant events of everyday life, and has written a number of books sharing these insights with the hopes others will be inspired to do the same. Nettie’s publications are available for purchase through Amazon’s online marketplace here.

She recently moved to the Portland, Oregon, area and is enjoying the beautiful Northwest scenery, spending time with her three parakeets, a cockatiel, and rescue Pug dog, Issy. She continues to enjoy looking for Divine Love at work in her life every day, and capturing these moments in words.

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  1. Catherine Ganci

    Thank you Nettie ! Looking for Divine Love every day is a challenge sometimes yet absolutely rewarding just by itself. I like what you said about laughter opening the heart for Joy to enter. Funny how that works. Isn’t it interesting that the end of a cigarette is called a butt ? LOL

  2. Al Coffman

    I love how you mined the experience for spiritual lessons.

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