Guest Post by Nigel Bell
The Seeker stood before a serene ocean of loving energy. Quiet wonder filled his heart as he absorbed the majesty of his surroundings. “Release yourself from yourself,” the Master whispered.
He pointed toward the vast endless ocean shimmering wildly before his eyes, like dancing atoms. “Let this nameless world of knowing be your cloak of consciousness,” he advised, as they both took in the vast Ocean of Life.
“Of late, you have become less dependent upon the outer authority of others, and you no longer rely upon anyone’s blessing or approval, including mine, to take decisive action toward your goals.”
He looked into his eyes. “This is perfect timing for the changes coming your way.
“It’s time to set sail, young one. Although I am the Master, you are the one who must decide what is best for you. By all means accept, weigh, and judge the advice of others, but always listen to your heart first before taking any action.”
The Seeker felt his feet sinking into the wet golden sand as the swell of the returning tide tugged at his heart centre.
“Each incarnation you have spent devoted to God has led you closer to this vast cosmic sea where freedom dwells.”
The Seeker continued to walk along the wide sandy shore with his Master. The salty effervescence of breaking waves filled him with a refreshed joy for life.

“No authority can be more important to you than your personal connection to divine presence,” replied the Guide.
“Your ability to be still, has allowed you to come to know me as I am.” His words seemed to wrap themselves around the Seeker like a warm woolen blanket until he felt as if they were his own words echoing back to him.
“As the Master, have I ever asked you for anything?”
“No sir.”
“Have I ever smothered you in expectations?”
“No sir, never.”
“And have I ever judged your thoughts, feelings, and actions?”
“On all accounts, I can sincerely say, no.” replied the Seeker.
“And in so doing you recognize me as the Living teacher, the divine presence who is always with you,” he replied.
“I have come to recognize your guiding presence and greatly appreciate it in my life. I wish more Souls could recognize the Master,” he said.
“A Master shows the way, it’s true. However, it’s always the seeker’s right to refuse such guidance. A Master will never pressure you to do anything. He is dedicated to the preservation of your personal freedom to choose. Do you understand, young one?”
“I do, indeed. You taught me long ago: it is a violation of the Law of Non-Interference to try to interfere in another’s life without express permission from the person themself.”
“Please explain how I might release myself from myself?”
Golden Markers & the Path Less Traveled
The Guide caught the seeker’s eyes with a loving gaze. They continued to walk along the golden shores of the land of Soul. A few moments passed before he replied. “You must take the path less traveled.”
“How do I go about doing this?” replied the Seeker.
“Follow in the Master’s footsteps. Learn to recognize the golden markers I leave behind for you through stories, dreams, and personal examples I share including your own life situations.
“The Master always leaves clues for his beloved students to follow. The spiritual techniques he shares are his greatest gifts. They are designed to open your spiritual eye to the golden markers he leaves behind to help you follow your own path back to the Source.”
The Seeker stopped to catch his eye. “It sounds so simple.”
“It does. Yet most avoid the path less traveled,” he told him.
“Why is that?”
“Being creatures of comfort, most people refuse the Master’s offer because they do not wish to negotiate their way around the numerous potholes laying in wait for them on such a pathway.
“They would rather avoid sliding and slipping across the loose stones spread out along the edges and onto the bends. It would mean giving up their expectations.
“They do not wish to face any of the unpredictable turns, or the physically taxing hill climbs, the tedious descents that seem to lead to nowhere, and the many, many miles of deserted landscape with nobody for company except themselves.
“Unless the blessing of their karma forces them onto this narrow path without them making the conscious choice, they stay away. Forced by their karma, it is then up to the individual to identify the spiritual lessons behind what they had previously faced on this pathway through past actions. It is always best to take this journey consciously in order to maximize its benefits.
“If a Soul chooses to make the most of the path less traveled, it will learn to treasure an abundance of spiritual gifts laid down for it.
“Treasures of such high calibre rarely exist on any other path. A Master helps to identify the special gifts and shows how to fashion them into spiritual tools for his student’s spiritual growth.

“People take themselves so very seriously when times get hard. Life is giving them what they need, believe it or not. It quickly becomes more than just a game to them when attached to the dreamlike qualities inherent in the human condition.
“Inflexible attitudes force Souls to remain on trajectories they would rather not be on. A lack of focussed attention to the spiritual Laws of Life causes most of their setbacks, hardships, and confusion they find themselves in.
“One may foster high hopes for spiritual success while at the same time setting out intent on traveling a safer more predictable, popular, route home to God.
“In truth, spiritual success on such a route very rarely occurs. There is nothing popular about seeking God Realization. It exists in stark contrast to the socially acceptable realms most prefer to inhabit. Those attached to social consciousness listen to the social voice of their society more than they do to the Inner Master.
“This popular route home is a fantasy created by the universal mind power to make you spiritually blind. It is fashioned out of the desire for social acceptance, status, popularity, and security. Such spiritual traps are carefully staged by the negative power to delay one’s return to spiritual freedom.
“All the while, in the background, invisible to the masses, the Master watches his students carefully. Which cloak of consciousness will they choose. Can they see the spiritual lessons behind their setbacks? In all humility can they accept the lessons for what they are and grow spiritually from them? Tests abound on every step we take toward the Source.
“Humility is key to identifying, then shedding, vain pursuits. Humility features high on the qualities required for discovering the sacred way of Spirit which is the only direct path home.”
“How do I successfully travel such a road?”
“Learn to embrace the unknown, then foster a familiarity with living in the company of the Alone. Learn to see value in that which the masses have long regarded as valueless and seek no acclaim or recognition for doing so.
“Remember, two old sticks found upon the trail, when rubbed together vigorously, can lead to making a fire and cooking a warm meal.
“How many would recognize their value unless schooled in the art of survival? Spirit delivers so many gifts like that to us, but we barely register them as gifts or identify their true value. Sometimes we even berate the Master for placing them on our path. All the while, the Master remains with us to teach us to recognize them.
“Many refuse to listen to him. Instead, they continue their journey along the less traveled path, deaf to to his voice, blind to his gifts, feeling forsaken, lost, destitute, devoid of divine love and guidance. They are primed and ready to follow those who sing the hymns of social consciousness.
“Spiritual survival depends on breaking up your self-created social attachments and expectations of how things ought to be. They serve as barriers to truth distorting the guiding voice of God. They prevent you from seeing what truly matters.
“Learn to behold the beauty of God in all things. Learn to behold the hand of God in all events. Strip yourself bare by letting go of who you think you are. Let go of who you want to be. And let go of what others want you to be. Explore the loving heart. Just be. That’s it.
“It works like this; Life exists here in the present moment. It is everything you can imagine it to be and more. It also has nothing to offer you and much less.” He laughed.
“Welcome to the paradoxical reality truth is found in and don’t get attached. This of course highlights the complexities of Soul dealing with the human condition which so often becomes involved in the quest to master the art of spiritual living. Soul has to rise above it at every opportunity.
“To grasp the great form without form there is an emptiness to explore. Where fear, doubt, and unworthiness cease existence, where only the peace that surpasses all understanding exists.
“Be still and follow the golden arrow. It leads you across the deep ravine where Soul enters the shimmering mists of the heavenly kingdom. Therein dwells the Holy of Holies, the servant of servants. In the emptiness and fullness of now, we surrender our will to It.
“Those who can share Its love shall reflect Its qualities in all Its glory. They will be providing others with the same opportunities they once had when they, themselves, first grasped the precious keys to access the Kingdom of Heaven.
“From out of the initial pain, hardship and discomfort gradually emerges the slow patient acceptance of spiritual freedom, divine love, and true fellowship with all life.
“A slow release of all attachment to form moves us closer to God. We do this by going nowhere, by letting go of space, time, location, and dimension until it brings us to all that remains, the Heavenly state.
“An increase in one’s inner awareness is a definitive cut above all other life experiences. It makes a shining beacon of every Soul who takes the path less traveled.
“It brings about a balanced interchange of thought, emotion, and physical capacity. When combined with the qualities of seeing, knowing and being, it reveals the treasures of heaven. Bringing forth a renewal of love, meaning, purpose, and truth each time you surrender to the now. This only occurs when you have released yourself from yourself.”
As the Seeker stood listening intently to the Master, a golden tunnel began to form out of the ethers before him. It opened wider, spinning like a living mandala. A portal quickly formed.

The Master stepped backward entering it and before the Seeker could expel his breath, a deep HU sound could be heard resounding through it.
Maybe it was a trick of the Seeker’s mind or the play of the world he was in. The Master’s form became a part of the glorious Light and Sound of God Itself. Then the portal closed. And a deep eternal silence filled the Seeker’s heart.
When he began to digest what had occurred, he found himself standing alone at the shore. He was more in love with the mighty ocean in front of him than ever before. He was grateful and humbled for having a true Master in his life to teach him the lessons of love he needed to know.
Copyrighted © 27/08/2024 Nigel R.Bell

Nigel loves to keep a written record of how life reaches out through daily life to teach, guide, and protect him on his spiritual journey. Writing is a way for him to learn, share, and capture the love of the Great Spirit.
Lewis Carroll
Beautiful. Thank you, Nigel.
Lewis Carroll
And the art is stunning.
Catherine Ganci
Ah, the “land of Soul” … nourishment for the heart of Souls everywhere. Thank you Nigel, your writings always de-light & open new territories to explore for the most brave of Souls. You touched on a few recognizable spiritual co-ordinates in my own life. Interesting to me is how we are learning & serving at the same time. I suppose outside the worlds of matter, energy, space & time, all there is just is. And I accept that wholeheartedly ~
Michael Avery
I loved the dialogue, Nigel. I loved the line: “Learn to behold the beauty of God in all things.”
A powerful and uplifting story! TY
David Clear
A most lyrical paean of what is possible and awaits us always, superbly written!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Nigel, for sharing the love. Your blog post beautifully captures the essence of spiritual guidance and the challenges of following a unique spiritual path. The dialogue between the spiritual Guide and the Seeker offers profound insights into the nature of spiritual growth and the role of a Master in this journey.
This is my favorite line, “Learn to behold the beauty of God in all things. Learn to behold the hand of God in all events. Strip yourself bare by letting go of who you think you are. Let go of who you want to be. And let go of what others want you to be. Explore the loving heart. Just be. That’s it.”