Seasons of Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

The seasons of my life were passing quickly and I found myself late in fall. Days, like leaves blown from their tree, let go and followed the wind as it gusted and swirled into the future. Gone was the healthy image I had embodied, and the robust outdoorsman I once was had become a shadow of the past.

In the present moment, I had become a well-grayed senior with an unsteady gait, rambling along. Even the cool morning air seemed different now. As I scanned the surroundings, I noticed that things were changing fast.

The bright colored leaves fluttered in the breeze and caught my attention. I paused to reflect on why? What were they telling me? Why had they joined me this morning as I strolled. It was the colors that had attracted my attention, the same colors that wow me in sunrises and sunsets. These are the colors that resonate deeply within me and bring a moments of awe.

I wandered on and slowly the message they were bearing began to filter into my mind. I too was much like the leaves, tired of clinging, colored by a lifetime of experience, and driven by my choices and my destiny. What is it that I am bearing that will bring a little joy, hope, and peace to the world around me?

My colors are those of happiness, gratitude, and perseverance—those things I’ve cultivated along my way. Like the wind, blowing the leaves into my presence, Spirit will guide my journey and take me to those places where my colors are needed. There is nothing to do except be what I am and live that to its fullest. Never mind where that will take me or what the next experience might be, but celebrate each moment, the gifts I find and the gifts I can give.

A sudden gust of wind catches the leaves and they are blown high into the sky and soon out of my sight, chasing their future. Oh my, how rich life can be in any season.


Dennis Ernst is a retired Professional Land Surveyor who now devotes his time to sharing the natural beauty he finds on his many treks through photography, blogs, and poetry. Please visit his website, Dennis Ernst Photography, for a glimpse into his fascinating world.

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  1. Anna

    Beautiful Dennis, the leaves of autumn can teach us so many lovely lessons!

  2. Michael Avery

    So many of our friends are going through age changes. I don’t have to look very far to see how life slows down and becomes more fragile. It’s time for me to start appreciating this season of my life more and stop complaining about the changes it brings. Celebrating each moment and finding joy in giving small gifts to our loved ones and others is an excellent approach! Thank you.

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Dennis, for sharing this thoughtful piece. It’s a gentle nudge for all of us to reflect on our own journeys, the qualities we’re cultivating, and how we might bring more light to the world around us. Your conclusion, celebrating each moment is a valuable reminder for us all.

  4. Duncan Wyndham

    Hi Dennis,

    Love this piece! Much like your photography, a clear lens and deep insight. Thank you!


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