Seeds of Love

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by RJ McBride

For forty some years I’d wandered in a half-awake, half-slumber state of consciousness all the while wondering why life had to be so hard and unjust. Over time, my collective experiences had left me a few grains of understanding. Today, I’ve accumulated enough grains of knowledge to maybe fill a small bucket. And who knows, come tomorrow, I may need a larger container.

But simply storing these grains of wisdom does little good unless sharing what has been learned by one’s endeavors. And yet, for all that such renderings invoke, there are moments when only the poetic voice speaks to what is truly in one’s heart and Soul. The poem that follows is one such example:


Upon the winds of giving are the seeds of 
      Thy love sown.
Flowers from the heart open to Thy Light.
Blossoms born anew awaken the
       Dormant Soul.
Abundant are Thy Fields of Love.
It is I, Beloved One, which is the seed of 
       Thy love.
In Thy name, does this Seed of Love blossom 
        From the Eternal Heart of Its giving.
In Thy seed, am I forever reborn
       Upon the Beauty of Thy great love.


RJ McBride is an author, memorialist, novelist, illustrator, cartoonist, and former art instructor. His three books in The Book of Ray series may be found on Amazon:
The Book of Ray, Volumn One: The Early Years: One Man’s Journey through Time 
and The Book of Ray, Volumn Two: The Middle Years: In Pursuit of FulfillmentThe Book of Ray, Volume Three: A Walk in the Light and Sound: Last Will and Testament; A Time to Remember, A Time to Honor, A Time to Forgive, A Time to Heal

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  1. Michael Avery

    RJ, thank you for sharing some seeds of widom from your bucket! You’re an inspiration and role model for many of us!

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, RJ, for sharing your love and wisdom with us here. Your beautiful poetry is a sweet kiss from the Divine. I feel uplifted and inspired by your loving words. They touch me deeply to the core. And my heart soars.

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