Guest Post by Bob Switzer
I have had a great deal of success in working with a creative tool involving Spiritual symbols and signs. When I have had a decision to make or a major purchase, I will use a Spiritual symbol to give me the confirmation I need to move forward in harmony with Soul, my destiny, and for the good of the whole.
I have successfully developed Spiritual symbols for job hunts, house purchases and other major changes when I definitely wanted to be working with the highest possible direction. This is actually working with The Law of Economy, seeking the highest source for decisions that one wants to make that will move one directly forward on their personal path in this lifetime.
I certainly wanted to make the right choice of house when it came time to move out of a rental house a few years ago and get back into the real estate market. In my Spiritual Exercise/contemplation, I sang HU and then I gently asked Holy Spirit for a symbol that I would see to let me know that, when I found “my” house, it would appear in my waking life. This is how symbols work for me. I ask for them in a Spiritual Exercise.
In this way, I am asking Spirit for a personal sign that say’s “tell me this is it”. And the “it” is for the good of the whole. I have found that it is also a great idea to have created a list of the spiritual qualities that are important to me that will manifest in my life when I’ve connected with my quest.
In this case I set out spiritual qualities that I would like to have in my life in my new home such as: freedom—to create my life;
Simplicity — to focus on living;
Flexibility — to be able to change and respond to opportunities;
Transformation — to create a new life and;
Harmony — with myself, neighbors, work, and friends.
I wanted to feel “alive” in my new home and so, in addition, I set out desired qualities in my new house allowing me to serve my family and others, and to be for the good of the whole.
I also identified some down-to-earth, practical goals including:
Meets my financial budget;
Located in a certain generally defined neighborhood area of town;
Is a good investment, a good quality home;
Has the space we require – right sized;
Convenient access to services and schools;
Near a park and bicycle trials (something very important to me).
I was careful not to “tell” Spirit specific details of how this would manifest. Spirit needs room to work, and so I have learned the way our physical needs manifest is best left up to Spirit.
I set up a Spiritual Exercise asking for a symbol or sign that would let me know that I had connected with my new home, and the vision of a North American Indian came to me. He was seated and smiling at me. This became my symbol. Within a week my real estate agent, also my sister, called me to tell me she had found the perfect house for me, but we had to act fast. It was a hot market, and this property was a gem.
She asked, “Can you meet me there this afternoon?”
I said, “What’s the address?”
She replied, “It’s on Indian Trail. Do you know it?”
My heart skipped a beat. But then I found out that there were several other streets in the area named Indian Road, Indian Crescent, and Indian Road Crescent, and I began to doubt the symbol.
That night, I did another Spiritual Exercise and asked Spirit for confirmation. The Indian came to me in my inner vision, smiling and nodding. This was the confirmation I needed to give my sister the offer the next morning. I drove out to her office, and we got all the paperwork together and then I returned home.
That afternoon, I decided to do some work on the computer and began moving my son’s school papers off the desk and uncovered a color printout. It was “my” Indian, exactly as I had seen him in the contemplation/Spiritual Exercise the night before. My son was doing a project on the Blackfoot Indians for school and this photo was one that he had found on the Internet but was not using.
That was all that I needed to feel completely comfortable with this major purchase. Spirit had given me a sign, and three times!
That house turned out to be the best purchase I could have made at the time as there were three units, two I could rent out that gave me the income I needed to thrive as I went through work and income challenges a short time after.

As a long-time spiritual student of ECKANKAR, Bob Switzer believes there is a higher spiritual purpose for everything that happens in life including accidents, illness, and loss—there is something to be learned, something to be gained as Soul, our true identity. He has authored three books in his “Soul Perspective” series, available on Amazon sites worldwide.
In Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution, From the Head to the Heart, and The Messenger of Machu Picchu, he presents, through numerous curated stories from others, a spiritual force one can access that contains the solution for every life challenge. As a Canadian, the author enjoys retired life in both Canada and Mexico playing Pickleball and cycling.
Al Coffman
Nicely done! I love the specifics you included in sharing your process.
Sammie Thompson
GOOD STORY, well told! Again, the synchronicity … the timing of this sharing is especially good for me as I am facing life with a few questions that need assistance with the absolute best answers. Thanks for the great reminders!
Michael Avery
Loved the way you chose a symbol to tell you when the perfect house had come along…and how the Universe helped you choose the symbol! I often set “Bookmarks” like the one you used to tell me the timing of events and as warnings. Fun to read about your experiences with the Divine!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Bob, for sharing your wonderful story about how to recognize Divine Guidance. You asked, and it was given. Thank you for reminding us about the importance of Spiritual Exercises.