Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

Synchronicity is where multiple, separate events share a common theme. When we become aware of synchronous events and find their connection, we often discover important confirmations about current issues in our lives. Recently, I was shown through a series of synchronous events that intermittent fasting would be helpful in healing my digestion. 

My wife, Pichaya, told me about the benefits of intermittent fasting for healing and rejuvenating the body several months ago. She sent me this YouTube video by Dr. Berg, a widely respected online authority on all things health. At that time, I did skip eating between meals and noticed a slight improvement. But I soon went back to my mid-morning snack of pecans and a banana, then a strawberry/almond milk smoothie in the afternoon.

Recently, however, I found that my digestion had declined. Following an inner nudge, I tried eating only two meals a day—breakfast and lunch—and experienced better sleep and a happier stomach.

About this same time, I had a dream that also highlighted intermittent fasting. I was at a potluck with a number of people I didn’t know in a dreamlike setting. A young man in his late twenties made an offhanded remark as we were standing in the food line together: “We only need to eat one meal a week, you know. This will be mine.”

I was intrigued, and asked him how to accomplish this. I assumed that we would need to clear out any past, contrary beliefs from our Seedbed, or Reactive mind.1 Not only have we adopted limitations in our current life, we have done so in past lives as well.

“I will tell you in two weeks,” the man said, “after I am back from vacation.”

What two weeks meant symbolically, I had no idea. But I awoke with the reference to “intermittent fasting” fresh in my mind.

Another synchronous event surrounding intermittent fasting happened, surprisingly, two weeks later when I was talking with my new hair stylist, Jeffrey. Somehow, we got on the topic of health, and he mentioned that he only ate one meal a day. He found that he only needed about 1500 calories to function well, and ate only dinner each day.

While one meal a day or even one meal a week might be fine for some, I decided to eat breakfast and lunch, then skip dinner. If this proved too difficult, I would go back to skipping snacks, even healthy ones, between meals. This decision to practice some intermittent fasting in addition to eliminating certain foods from my diet, was confirmed by this interesting series of synchronous events. 

I am only sharing what the Universe seems to be suggesting to me as an example of synchronicity and inner guidance, not for any other reason. Each person must take responsibility for his or her own life, but watching for synchronicities to confirm our inner guidance can be a valuable resource in our quest for good health.  

1. Please see “An Exercise in Abundance and Love” on this site for examples of ways to release limited judgments.

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