The Brevity of Life

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

I wrote a poem years ago, trying to capture the way Soul seemingly appears out of nowhere, entering into this world. Then, before you know it, it’s gone again. I forgot the rest of the poem, but one stanza stuck with me through the years. Here is the symbolism often associated to moths followed by the verse:

Moths are highly symbolic and very powerful omens when they emerge in your dreams. Like butterflies, they go through metamorphosis. Unlike butterflies, this transformation seems to be connected to the darker, unknown parts of the dreamer. The moth’s nocturnal nature brings your attention to the feminine, dormant psychic abilities, the shadow; or uncharted parts of the psyche that are yet to be discovered.

Here is the poem’s part that comes back to me often, when the day has turned to night, and quiet has settled in:

Out of the night we come,
    drawn to the fire’s glow.
A flash of wings in the fire’s ring
    and into the night we go.

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  1. Anna

    Short and sweet! Love it!

  2. Synchronicity at work here ! For several days I have been seeing myself as if inside a cocoon, a moth or butterfly in process of emerging from the confinement and captivity of the encasement, as a more loving and lovely version of myself, into the freedom of a new, larger and more beautiful world … I need not fear nor avoid the flame as it is burning brightly within this new me …

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Riley, for your wonderful article and poem about a moth. It reminds us to treasure every moment while we are here.

  4. Michael Avery

    Thank you, Riley. Sometimes four lines is all we need to capture important insights like this. The metaphor is memorable.

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