“The Flame,” a Poem by Anne Roberts

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Michael Avery

Our dear friend, Anne, wrote this poem called “The Flame.” It was inspired by a quote from a book called The Slow Burning Love for God: “The slow burning, long-lasting love for God will lead us home—eventually. The turning points of change, which are the tests of purification, bring balance and open the heart to more love.”1

On October 7, 2023, Anne set sail for “home.”

The Flame

To live within
The Flame of Purification,
One would gladly leave all, 
Leave behind everything…

But that piercing, beautiful,
Infinite Tenderness: 
The tenderness of God’s hand
Reaching through my heart
Into the world.

All else is as shadow, as dust.
Dust and ashes.
And when it has all burned away, 
Only the tenderness of God’s love
Shall remain.


Anne Thornburg Roberts
June 27, 1944 — October 7, 2023

1) Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love for Godp. 29.

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  1. Catherine Ganci

    Travel well dear Anne. This poem brought tears to my eyes immediately. Thank you from my heart to yours, wherever you roam in the God worlds. I always loved how you made me feel in your presence ~ like I was wrapped up in a warm blanket of God’s love. May the blessings be & be & be !

  2. Anna

    Thank you, for sharing Anne’s beautiful poems. I was thinking of her this week, so I appreciate the update on her translation. She was a remarkable soul that burned very bright and will be missed!

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