The Four Winds are Blowing

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

According to, dreams about horses can symbolize perseverance, courage, strength, good health, and wealth. They can also represent stamina, vitality, mobility, power, prestige, freedom, personal drive, ambitions, and passion. 

Horses have been depicted in myths, legends, and popular culture for their sheer beauty and bond with humans. They also inspire poems like the one in this post.

Dreams about horses can signify transcendence and triumph over negative forces, and the winged white horse is a positive symbol of protection and transcendence in Buddhism, Greek, Celtic, Hindu, and Iranian mythology. All these points can also apply to Waking Dreams. 

At one point in my life when I experienced a burst of energy and creativity, I wrote the following poem, capturing how I felt. In retrospect, the imagery of spirited galloping horses came to me as a natural intuition of what horses express so well. 

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The Four Winds are Blowing 

The four winds are blowing, the horses are coming 
Their hearts and their hooves are pounding in rhythm 
Annealing hot blood
in the veins of the prairie 
The land and the horses
are one when they’re moving 
Like waves made by wind upon the grass blowing 
With wild eyes rolling
the firm muscled stallions 
Cleave the broad prairie like wind-driven galleons 

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Living Life Proactively


Remembering “The Old Road:” A “Waking Dream in Retrospect”


  1. Michael Avery

    Riley, I’d love to have the energy and enthusiasm to run with the wild horses again! Loved the poem.

  2. In addition to enjoying the read, I learned a new word. Thanks!

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Riley, for your introduction of the story and beautiful poem. We truly appreciate you. Your generous contribution to our blog is a beautiful gift to us all. We look forward to reading more of your stories again in the near future.

  4. Shanti

    I love your beautiful poem, Riley! Thank you!

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