By Pichaya Avery
One of my favorite spiritual exercises is called “The Open Heart.”1 It involves loving or caring for someone or something more than we do ourselves. I practice this daily and have experienced a variety of profound results.
I love cooking and baking for family, friends, and neighbors. On one particularly crisp winter morning, I was given an opportunity to express my love to a stranger. As I was preparing to leave home to facilitate a Satsang class, I was guided to do something I would not normally do. In addition to the homemade chocolate chips cookies that I brought every month, I included a bunch of bananas and a $20 bill.
When I arrived at the Spiritual Center, I carried in the cookies but, for some reason, left the bananas in the trunk of my car. As I walked through the door, I debated whether I should go back for them. Then, the Inner Teacher whispered, “Leave them there.” I followed the guidance but wondered, Why?
After our class had ended, my heart was fully open. I was grateful for our spiritual discussion and the time spent with friends. While walking toward my car, I noticed a woman about forty feet away, pushing a shopping cart.
As she drew closer, I could hear the rattling of cans and the clinking of bottles. She greeted me with a genuine smile. Our eyes met, Soul to Soul. Pointing to my white faux fur coat, she exclaimed, “You have a beautiful coat!”

Immediately, I wanted to give it to her. I smiled back and asked, “Would you like to have it?” Her eyes lit up as she pointed to my favorite white faux-fur vest that I was wearing beneath my coat.
“I like this one,” the woman said sweetly.
This surprised me. I thought she could really use my heavy coat to keep her warm since it was freezing cold. As I removed my coat and vest, I said to her, “If it fits, then it’s yours.” When she tried it on, it fit perfectly.
My heart danced when I saw the woman beaming as she ran her fingers through the furry soft vest. Thinking she could also use a winter coat. I offered mine to her a second time. “Would you like this coat, too?” I asked. “They go very well together.”
“No, thank you.” She shook her head and continued caressing her new vest as if she were petting a cat and hearing it purr.
All of a sudden, I remembered the bananas in the trunk and the $20 bill in my purse. When I offered her these gifts, she smiled broadly and exclaimed, “I love bananas. Thank you.” I drove home floating on cloud nine realizing that The Open Heart spiritual exercise is a powerful way to share the Inner Teacher’s love with those I encounter.
1. Harold Klemp, The Spiritual Exercises of ECK (website currently offline)
* Story is from The Golden Book of HU by Michael and Pichaya Avery
Please note: Images on this site are for illustration purposes only. Any resenblance to actual persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Lewis Carroll
A lovely story of the open heart and of listening to those inner promptings. I also love to cook, and did so for many years professionally before joining the Diplomatic Corps. When friends asked me if I ever wanted to cook professionally again after retiring, I told them no, now I only cook for love and to share for my friends and family.
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Lewis, for your wonderful comment.
Gloria Lionz
You were a Sparkling Soul whose willingness to follow your inner guidance likely illumined the ‘stranger’s’ life far beyond what any of us can (or ever need) to measure! Thank you for reminding each of us what we’re truly designed for ~ loving generosity just as the Inner Master gifts us every moment!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Gloria, for your wonderful comment.
JC Stanton
What a beautiful story! I so liked seeing you in that vest, but I love that you gave it to that woman.
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, JC, for your wonderful comment.
What a beautiful story where you tuned into your inner guidance to be a loving channel to an open and loving person who was grateful for your sweet gifts!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Anna, for your wonderful comment.