The Pure White Heart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

My wife and I finally managed to schedule a “get away” weekend on the Oregon coast to escape from our hectic schedules. As I drove the winding road toward the coast, memories of previous trips floated across my mind. On our last few trips to the beach, we had found dark basalt rocks with quartz crystal heart-shapes on them and had some memorable experiences. 

The ocean seemed to be a catalyst for these experiences, and I began to wonder what this trip might bring. 

As I drove along, the image of a pure white heart-shaped rock began to form in my mind. Interesting, I thought to myself, and then let the image go.

That night in my dreams, I dreamed I found a pure white heart-shaped rock on the beach we were planning to visit the next day. At breakfast that morning, I mentioned the dream to my wife. Later, we visited our favorite beach and began walking along, hoping to find the white heart-shaped rock. We walked for quite a while and came to a place where the beach ran into steep sheer cliffs. We could go no further.

We noticed a large tree trunk lying in the sand and discovered that, at a fork in the log, a flattened area made a perfect recliner upon which to sit or lay down. We decided to do a contemplation there and take advantage of the opportunity to rest, relax, and get a larger perspective of our day.

I silently began singing HU to the rhythm of the waves and soon found myself floating above my body. I began flying north along the coastline, following the beach. I looked down and saw the parking lot where we had left our car and noticed that other people had arrived and were walking along the beach and stopping to play. 

As I flew further north, the coastline became more rugged. Now, there was no more beach, only waves beating against steep cliffs. After some time, I saw a narrow strip of sand nestled between the waves and the cliffs. 

I flew down a little lower to take a better look and something caught my eye. I landed on this tiny beach and discovered the object I had noticed from above was the pure white heart-shaped rock I had seen in my dream. I picked it up and held it in my hand. It was absolutely perfect, smooth, pure white and symmetrical-shaped.

I looked around and the only other object there was a stump sticking up through the sand which looked very much like a seat. I walked over to it, sat down, and attempted to organize my thoughts.

About that time, I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned to see my Spiritual Teacher standing a few feet away. 

“I see you found it,” he said. I nodded and held out my hand to show him. “I’ve been making it just for you.” 

Before I could respond, he continued. “Do you have any idea how long it took to make this pure white heart?” My mind reeled at the thought of how long it could have taken to reach that state of perfection. All I could do was gaze at the rock. 

“Would you like to go see the Original White Heart, the original image the rock was formed to represent?” I nodded again, and he took me to see the location where the Pure White Heart actually exists.

A while later, I returned to my body that was sleeping on the log on the beach. After my wife and I had finished our contemplations, we silently began walking back up the beach toward our car. My wife said “It wouldn’t have to be perfect would it?” 

The words were hardly out of her mouth when she looked down and saw a white heart-shaped rock. It wasn’t perfect; it was rough in places and had a dark streak in the white quartz, but it was a white heart-shaped rock. She then told me in her contemplation she had asked her Inner Guide to let her find the white heart rock for me. 


Dennis Ernst is a retired Professional Land Surveyor who now devotes his time to sharing the natural beauty he finds on his many treks through photography, blogs, and poetry. Please visit his website, Dennis Ernst Photography, for a glimpse into his fascinating world.

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  1. Mark West

    Great story, Dennis!

  2. Oh Dennis, I really enjoyed how your words led me to take this journey with you. Thank you so much for sharing! The Oregon coastline is simply magnificent, indeed.

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Dennis, for sharing your wonderful story. It’s fascinating to see the interconnectedness between the inner and outer worlds. I love seeing the loving relationship between you and the Inner Teacher. And, I also love how your wife loves you.

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