To Sing and Dance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Alea Kent

A few years ago I had a dream, and in this dream I was at a dance pavilion on the sandy shores of a lake. I was dancing with my Spiritual Guide. Soon we were dancing on the sand, and our dance steps uncovered golden coins. I looked at the coins and then up at my Guide, and the look on his face told me they were a gift for me from him.

Fast forward some years and this poem came to me. I had not remembered the dream. Fast forward some more years and I created the piece of art (shown below) again, not remembering the dream or the poem. And now they are all connected.

I remember that each day is a dance with God, and that this dancing is what carries me through the challenges and wonders of life. And that it is through this dancing with God that the gifts of Golden coins from God are discovered.

Photo credit: John Villemonte

To Sing and Dance

I want to sing and dance with God.
Singing songs of lifetimes and lands afar,
Filled with love and the mysteries of longing.
Singing until all I hear
Is the voice of God. 
I want to dance:
The Bharatnatyam,
The Schottische, 
The Dance of the Dervish,
The Cha Cha, 
The Waltz.
Whirling and twirling,Looking deep into God’s eyes,
Until I see myself 
For who I am.

Alea Kent
* From the Winter 2013 “On The Horizon”

Alea is a spiritual being first and foremost and also a retired psychotherapist, now using Body Code and Emotion Code to heal people on all levels.  She can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 541-897-4402

Please note: Feature image is for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  1. Michael Avery

    I love the image you painted so well of uncovering the golden coins as you danced on the beach with your spiritual guide, Alea. What a great contemplation seed this will make! Thank you for sharing your memorable dream experience.

  2. Gloria Lionz

    Poignant story & poem. Thank you for sharing it.
    Gloria Lionz

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Alea, for your beautiful story, art, and poem. A dream of dancing with your Spiritual Guide and receiving the wonderful gift of the golden coins sound heavenly! Your wonderful poem inspire me to learn how dance with God in the rhythm of life. Thank you for sharing the love.

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