Trees, Stars, Us

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

Seasons hold places in ones’ being; as do the markers we humans call ‘time.’ Though we’re eternal beings, as one who loves life and does all she can to serve it with tenderness and compassion, writing poetry is one of the most visceral ways my heart has learned to express those feelings.

This piece arrived quite “late” to my Christmas 2023 gift giving table.” Most start to whisper their insights every fall. But ‘Trees, Stars, Us’ arrived mid-December. I’d just returned from running a full day’s errands in the cold, damp PNW weather. A bit grumpy from the hustling, I took a much-needed attitude break with a cup of tea and much needed pause to reflect. 

As I watched a stand of pine trees being whipped this way and that on a neighbor’s property, the magnanimous spirit of Nature spoke to me; and there it was. The inspiration for that year’s holiday piece: How amazing every being, every vista, every breath truly is. And how silently NATURE blesses and reminds us WE ARE PART OF HER!

Trees, Stars, Us

Winds of change flow through every life
Nature reminds us we are part of It
Not the other way around

Trees are survivors of change
Sometimes they bear fruit
Or nectar, sap, happy nesting places

Some span lifetimes
Become canoes, ships, homes
Others stand soberly alone, returning to soil

They utter no complaint
Communicate constantly 
With roots they call out: “Be strong!”

They’re tenacious; bear much
With minute acknowledgement from man
Sober, lithe, tall, short – no matter

Each serves the whole without fanfare
Man, rarely notes their journey
They constantly record ours

We climb, harvest, burn them; sometimes plant their seeds
We often forget they came to serve
Long to be seen; acknowledged

Their ‘story’ mirrors ours – with one exception
It would serve us to pause and consider
No matter what we “are” we’re part of one another

Trees and stars are ‘cousins’ of sorts
They take note of one another
Enjoy one another’s company 

What is it about trees and stars 
We humans might do well to embrace?
Perhaps their exquisite patience…

What would happen if we
Intentionally nurtured one another’s roots?
Listened to the wind or sang to the stars?

Perhaps we’d discover we’re more
Than our doing or going
That we’re ‘wired’ to consciously co-create

Perhaps we’d purposefully gather in circles
Not just for weddings or funerals
If we did, would we bear more joy?

In winter, the so-called season of darkness,
Some bemoan the ‘lack of light.’
What if we settled into it like a tree?  

We might come to know – whether naked or in full bloom
That living is all about moving, integrating, being
And maturing is the act of adding rings – season by season

What do those rings represent in any life?
Fertility, adaptability, pain, tenacity, passion
Creation, coherence and ultimately, release

So, in the month of December, I pay homage to US
Honor “every voice” as it echoes the gifts of being
Applaud the constancy of being part of the ONE

Trees, Stars, Humans – Evolving
Crafting new relations, dreams, sagas, horizons
Shifting, growing, birthing new aspects of our Souls.

May you and yours celebrate every breath, sight, and sound
As we recognize the miracle of each tree, star and Soul–
Amplified by the light of gratitude, blessing every season with love.

© Gloria Lionz
December 13, 2023

Gloria Lionz has been a life coach for four plus decades. She’s also a life-long poet and storyteller. Her training in personal growth began in her early 20’s. With certificates in Reiki, Ho’oponopono, and training with Caroline Myss, the works of Alamaia Will, Lynn Andrews, and Dr. Christiane Northrop. She facilitates group and individual coaching and is also an event planner.  

She is an enthusiastic gardener, an essential oil instructor, and volunteers at her local cat shelter helping cats learn to trust and recover from neglect and/or abuse. She’s committed to living a life of “love in action”—sharing her passion for helping others notice and accept they’re here to love and be loved.

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  1. Michael Avery

    Beautiful Gloria. Very inspirational. Pichaya and I walk through a wooded area every day. Thank you.

  2. Anna

    Love it, Gloria, how you see the beautiful interconnectedness with our tree and star friends! Lots of lovely wisdom!

  3. Linda

    I imagine that the trees are so very grateful that you acknowledged them in your special poem, Gloria. (I am, too.)

  4. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem with us. Your words of wisdom remind us to cherish every golden moment, recognize the miracles, and fill our hearts with gratitude for the gift of life, trees, stars, us, and all.

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