Walking in Awareness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

It’s early morning and just beginning to get light when I go for a memorable walk. Recent rain has turned the mesquite savanna desert into a lush green paradise. Grass, weeds and wildflower are waist high and big clumps of cane grass as tall as corn. The air and a rich earthy smell infused with the intoxicating scent of the wildflower and each breath is like candy.

The east horizon, which is a deep, dark blue, begins to warm and start showing sunrise colors. Soon, pinks, oranges, yellows and reds paint the eastern sky and start reflecting off clouds. The colors and textures of the soft morning light dance across the sky until everywhere I look there is something beautiful.

The realization begins to form that these are my colors, as I resonate so deeply with them. This is my own nature that I’m noticing. My view of the world has changed, and I now perceive it in a much more energetic way. I no longer separate myself from my world view but see the interconnectedness of everything.

All of this is a dream, a creative expression including all my human senses can pick up, the energies that lay beyond what my sensors can detect, my intuition, my knowingness and even what I am is a part, too. Nothing is excluded.

The colors dance with the clouds and I’m so deeply immersed in it all that any boundaries have dropped away. The moment and the beauty I experience are the dream, imbued with the love of the Dreamer.

My choice to notice this moment in this way comes from my deep connection with the Dreamer. This moment has always existed as there is nothing but Now, along with all the other possibilities. When I smile, it is the Dreamers smile on my face.

The sun breaks the horizon, and the colors begin to fade into their daylight tones. The beauty and the love I find in the moment still exist, just as they always have. My view, my perception, has changed but this is still the Dream.

There is no going back. This journey has no destination as the journey is the Dream. So, dream the Dreamer’s Dream and dream your journey in the Now.

The Dreamer’s Dream

Bubbles of nowness,
Drifting gently across a sky of possibilities,
Each one containing the seeds of dreams,
The colors are as dazzling as the realities they contain,
All are the Dreamer’s Dream.

I dreamed of a lifetime,
In a human form,
All the experiences,
Were too, the Dreamer’s Dream

There were dreams of heavens,
And there were dreams of hell,
Each one had it moment of expression,
Then became a dream of the past.

Each morning I awaken,
To the dream of human life,
The nighttime dreams have vanished,
Into the now of this reality.

The shadow of all my dreams,
Flicker on the walls of my current now,
I’m so absorbed in the moment,
Right now is all there seems.

Another day comes,
And another dream of me,
There seems to be no end,
To what my dreams could be.

The fabric of the dreams,
Is an illusion of some reality,
While it seem so real,
That Real is the dream, that dream of me.

Has there ever been a time or space,
That is not part of the Dream?
Is my I-ness too,
Just the Dreamer’s dream of me?

What is it that the Dreamer wants
In its endless dream of Dreams?
What is it, in my dreams,
That is wants when dreaming me?

Is there any awakening,
From this dream of Dreams?
Is there only the Dreamer,
Dreaming dreams of dreams?

I am the Dreamer’s Dream,
No matter how that seems,
All my realities and all my dreams,
Are its dream of me.

Dream on Dreamer,
Dream the dream of me,
Dream all my imaginations,
Dream on through me.

Dream on,
And on,
And on,
And on…


Dennis Ernst is a retired Professional Land Surveyor who now devotes his time to sharing the natural beauty he finds on his many treks through photography, blogs, and poetry. Please visit his website, Dennis Ernst Photography, for a glimpse into his fascinating world.

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  1. Anna

    Love it, Dennis! You beautifully captured how I feel too in nature- interconnectedness! It is life changing to see that!

  2. Catherine Ganci

    Such a beautiful dream within the Great dream. Your words seemed to dovetail into the land without words. It made me happy to ride along. Thank you Dennis !

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Dennis, for your wonderful story. I feel like I was right there with you at your memorable walk. You painted the pictures so clearly with your poetic words. Thank you for reminding us to dream, and I will do that. Your beautiful poem inspires me to dream on and on…

  4. Michael

    I love that: All my dreams are the Dreamer’s dreams of me. Thank you, Dennis.

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