“We’ve Always Had Us” (Song)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

My friend, “Cowboy Randy,” was an extreme adventurer. He rode motorcycles, bulls, drove heavy equipment up and down steep mountains, and once drove his semi through the narrow, busy streets of Manhattan. He had no fear. He barely missed getting one of the prized “100 numbers” reserved for the top one hundred professional motocross riders across the U.S.

To reach that level of expertise, one has to ride on the edge of control. The line between winning a race and crashing is the razor’s edge. Pushing the limits was something at which Randy excelled. Unfortunately, he went beyond the edge all too often and, as a result, broke most of the bones in his body at one time or another from motorcycle crashes or the courtesy of an ornery bull.

Randy passed on due to brain cancer several years ago. His unrealized dream was to buy a few fast cars, a ranch in Montana, and find the love of his life. He was also a spiritual seeker.

My wish for Randy is that he found his dreams waiting for him on the other side after he translated from this earthly life. My intuition tells me he did. At times, I can see him smiling when I tune in to his energy.

When the lyrics for a country song called “We’ve Always Had Us” began coming to me one night, I had a sense that Randy was the source, or one of the sources. Was he telling me that he had found the love of his life on the inner planes? Perhaps. I do love happy endings.

One line in the song stands out for me. It reminds me that opening the heart to love is what matters most. We can only take two things with us when we go. Here is my favorite line of the song. Thank you, Randy.

“When we come to the end of the day,
memories and love are all we can take.”

Please enjoy the song. Michael

To hear more of Michael’s songs, please visit his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelDavidAvery
Popular songs include: “You Are Not Alone,” “Dreamwalk with Me,” & “Light the Darkness.”

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Descent into Darkness


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  1. Gloria Lionz

    As usual, loved your heartfelt story. But, the song is stellar! As is the voice & melody.
    So when do you plan to ‘sing’ in public??
    Gloria 😉

  2. Catherine Ganci

    That was a wonderful treat this Friday ! Thank you for it all, the great story, the video & the song ! Ditto what Gloria said. And just WoW, Mike, that you wrote & put together this heart opening tune together in song & music. Your creativity is on fire & I for one am loving it ! On the receiving end is a grateful bow to all you are doing Mike & Oi too ! May the blessings continue to be & be & be !

  3. Michael Avery

    Thank you, Gloria. I’d love to take credit for singing the song and others that I’ll be posting, but the music and singer are from Suno ai. I just write some lyrics down and hope for the best. lol

  4. Michael Avery

    Catherine, my pleasure. I’m enjoying the process and learning as I go. A tip of the hat to Riley Carson for telling me about the various programs that enable non-musicians like me to hear how lyrics can sound in the right format. Poetry is one thing, but adding music has always been a dream of mine. When I retired, I never dreamed that I’d be doing anything musical, let alone write a country western song and reggae song (recent). Thank you so much for your interest.

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