Guest Post by Gloria Lionz
I love surprising friends with random gifts. I keep an eye out for small, spiral bound journals for one dear friend who has a daily spiritual practice of recording dreams and insights. They’re her “golden ticket” to self-reflection, growth and joy.
Gifts show up when they show up. Poems do the same.
I went to the store to buy a few more storage bins. I’d run out of boxes and needed to keep hustling in order to pack & relocate everything in my closets to a safe spot in the garage.
Workmen were due to arrive a few days later to perform necessary repair work. For safety, I’d arranged to vacate the premises for five nights. It was a big job with lots to do before they arrived. While waiting to check out, I spotted a small, dark green journal covered with tiny gold foil elephants. Oh boy! What a find!
Into the cart it went. A few seconds later, I began hearing what sounded like a family of elephants repeating a light-hearted, sing-song phrase: “Write about us, write about us, you must, you must, you must!”
Yes, I WAS tired and a bit ‘punchy.’ I couldn’t help but pay attention. Their silent yet urgent demands had my full attention as they sang: “write about us, write about us, you must, you must, you must!”
Yes, I admit it; I’ve been known to “hear” inanimate muses before. It’s part of the poet in me—“she” hears stuff!
Silently, I responded: “OK, got it—but must I write about you now?!?”
Their predictable reply? “Of course, NOW!”
Being a card-a-holic, I already had the “perfect” card to accompany the journal with the yet-to-be born poem.
Later that day, three quirky stanzas effortlessly danced onto the page. But one was MIA! I felt it but it refused to show up!
Uh oh! All I heard was radio silence.
Five days later, the familiar nudge showed up; a clear knowing that Spirit was telling me: “It’s time to write!”
I pulled up the original poem on my pc. A few minutes later, the final stanza “appeared” bringing the poem to life. WOW!
A writer typically “knows” when what we’re working on is ready.
How? For me it’s when my heart feels content. As I review what I’ve written, tears or giggles flow. I call the visceral response ‘resonance’ with the intention. With practice, the connection of knowing becomes second nature. It’s fluent in the language of compassion, love, and, on extra special occasions, humor.
As usual, I thanked the source of the words: Spirit.
As I read then reread the poem, What Elephants Hear, I knew I’d written what they’d wanted others to know about love.
A few minutes later, perfect card in hand, the story & images merged seamlessly bringing Spirit’s message into form.
The Elephant’s name? Newton Chapel African Elephant.
His story, on the back of the card? A lifelong love affair with music & SOUND! Apropos for the genesis of my latest “love project!”
Those of us who follow inner nudges realize Spirit ignores stories of limitation. Especially when it comes to time or space. Those two aspects are mere mental constructs. But love is eternal, fluid, and conspires to help us to grow always and in all ways.
So, that’s the elephant’s story. Are we ready to “listen & respond” when Love speaks? Whether we identify it as the sacred sound of the HU, which emanates through song, laughter, or the gentle tones of kindness, it’s our sacred forever language—always present, and always empowering to everyone’s essential sacred self.

What Elephants Hear
Off they trundle, stroll or march
Gentle giants full of grace
No matter how far they wander
They keep a steady pace
Each family knows their way
As they tend to stick together
Their knowing born of loving
With bonds that last forever
If an elephant has crossed your path
Relax, take time to ponder
Perhaps you’ve been invited
To simply be or “wonder?”
If that idea perks up your ears
Contemplate what’s true
What elephants hear lives inside
Their favorite music? The HU in YOU!
© Gloria Lionz
November 2, 2024

Gloria Lionz has been a life coach for four plus decades. She’s also a life-long poet and storyteller. Her training in personal growth began in her early 20’s. With certificates in Reiki, Ho’oponopono, and training with Caroline Myss, the works of Alamaia Will, Lynn Andrews, and Dr. Christiane Northrop. She facilitates group and individual coaching and is also an event planner.
She is an enthusiastic gardener, an essential oil instructor, and volunteers at her local cat shelter helping cats learn to trust and recover from neglect and/or abuse. She’s committed to living a life of “love in action”—sharing her passion for helping others notice and accept they’re here to love and be loved.
Gloria can be contacted through her email: [email protected]
Michael Avery
I’ll never look at elephants the same, Gloria. I love their chant! Wish I had room for one here, but they might squish my cats! Great post!
I love your sense of humor and adventure with the elephants Gloria! They are beautiful souls like you!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Gloria, for sharing this beautiful journey of creative inspiration. Your description of how Spirit guides your writing—through heart-felt resonance, tears, and giggles—speaks deeply to the creative process. How perfect that Newton Chapel, an elephant who loves music, helped bring your message about love’s eternal sound into form.