Guest Post by Bob Switzer
An acquaintance named Timothy shared with me his experience of losing his wife to cancer and his journey into spiritual healing. A turning point came when he received a message from beyond. I’ll let him tell his story in his own words:
…During the last days of Ruth’s life, she was mostly asleep. Blood loss from the tumor lowered her blood pressure and she made it very clear she wanted nothing that would extend her life, as it was. Eventually the loss of blood left her in more of a coma-like state than just sleep.
On her last day she was very restless. I held her hand and spoke to her, hoping/believing that she could hear me. She remained very restless and seemingly agitated. I started to sing HU. HU is a chant, sung for centuries in many cultures around the world which brings the love of the Holy Spirit to those who are immersed in the sound. It is a love song to God and also an ancient name of God.
As I started to sing, Ruth noticeably started to become calm. I sang on for many minutes and she was peaceful. Within minutes of my stopping her agitation returned. I sat with her and sang again. Again, she became peaceful. This was repeated many times and it was obvious that the HU song was bringing about this calm and peaceful response.
I have a CD with about four thousand voices singing HU for about 20 minutes.1 I started to play this CD and the same calmness came over her. I put it on a repeat play and let it go for many hours at a low volume.
She stayed in that beautiful state until she passed peacefully at 9:15 p.m.
I was so happy that I was able to realize what to do to make her last hours in this physical body, peaceful, calm and surrounded by the sound of LOVE.
A Sign from Ruth
Now, Timothy had to live with the loss of Ruth. His daily contemplations kept him in tune, to keep his heart open to Spirit. Timothy felt if he could get a sign that she was OK, he would feel a lot better.
One day, Timothy saw that his picture of nine spiritual masters had fallen to the floor off a counter. He picked it up, asking himself how it could have fallen. There was nothing that could have moved the picture. “Could this be my sign?” he asked himself. Not being certain, he asked for another sign that she was fine. Later on, he found the picture on the floor again. Now he knew she was OK!
Timothy feels that the time after Ruth’s passing was a time of tremendous spiritual growth for him in detaching from the material stuff of life. “I’m in a totally different place than where I was,” he states. “Before, I was concerned about material things, money, etc. I have let this all go. None of it matters anymore.
“What does matter is love—caring, allowing others to be who they are. I feel a level of respect for others as Soul and have become more accepting and less judgmental of the behaviors of others.”
1. HU: Experience the Sound of Soul

As a long-time spiritual student of ECKANKAR, Bob Switzer believes there is a higher spiritual purpose for everything that happens in life including accidents, illness, and loss—there is something to be learned, something to be gained as Soul, our true identity. He has authored three books in his “Soul Perspective” series, available on Amazon sites worldwide.
In Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution, From the Head to the Heart, and The Messenger of Machu Picchu, he presents, through numerous curated stories from others, a spiritual force one can access that contains the solution for every life challenge. As a Canadian, the author enjoys retired life in both Canada and Mexico playing Pickleball and cycling.
Michael Avery
Thank you, Bob. In the end, what matters most is love! Pichaya and I agree.
Al Coffman
Nicely done.
Beautiful Bob. I am so happy the HU helped Ruth in that amazing way. Thank you for sharing!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Bob, for sharing the beautiful story of love and how the song of HU helped Ruth with her transition.
Love is all that matters. Indeed.