Why Not Be a Rainbow?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

I’m one of “those” fair-weather people; less than ideally suited to the overcast grays that reside in the PNW as a “routine.” Weather suited me “perfectly” during the three decades I called Santa Cruz’ “banana belt” home. Only four easy blocks to the beach, I was lulled to sleep by the waves every night.

Around 8-9 pm, the ocean would “pull” clouds in to the microclimate of “West side Santa Cruz,” treating residents, even those of us who did NOT own property directly on the cliffs, with excellent sound baffling. Result? Everyone, no matter where their home sat, was treated to the sound and uplifting energy of recycling waves.

So during that era, clouds at night by the sea made me smile. Not so here, near the Columbia River where far too many days (for my psyche) are chilly, damp, and down-right gray. What to do?

Thankfully, the discipline of love (aka: checking in with gratitude for a moment) helps me rewrite my inner “weather forecast”…What happens next is anyone’s guess, but typically includes a lighter mood, flowing creativity, and, for sure, an authentic smile.

Here’s to the wonder of every moment…no matter where the sun may be.

Why Not Be a Rainbow?

So today the sky felt “droopy”
The promise of sun denied by clouds 
The weatherman in the sky decided cloud cover was the vibe du jour
I’m sitting here bemused
Wondering, what can I do to change my mood?
A-ha! Change begins with a question
What do humans do when they don’t get their way?
Bemoan their fate, grumble, wish away the day
Or, wait for ‘something better’
Distract themselves with ‘future’ plans…
Wait a minute – that means I’m not “here!”
So, I reconnoiter my wayward thoughts
Remember, I’m in charge
There really is no loss
As I relish this fresh view
Another image comes to mind
Or better yet BE ONE?!?
How can you do that on a cloudy day?
Simply see all the colors around you
Then be mindful of what you think and say…
From my window in the restaurant
My eyes perceive a kaleidoscope of color
Soft rose blossoms in the distance
Rich greens of the trees below
The dashing golds of yesterday’s fallen petals
And vibrant blues of umbrellas aglow
You see, it’s up to us to notice what is 
To choose another way
This day is precious,
Why not celebrate choices
That are always mine to make?
I am the rainbow
I am the colors
In every day 💛

(c) Gloria Lionz
April 13, 2024

And now, the rest of the story… aka: “the shrinking lunch  bill.” 

As the weather moved from 66 & sunny to 58 and not, I opted to eat in a restaurant rather than picnic outside. I enjoyed the view perched 2 stories above Lake Oswego’s courtyard, & ordered a light, 2 course hors d’oeuvres lunch. Not suspecting ‘poems would join me’ I settled in for a serene solo repast.

The waiter was attentive but an hour later, I realized the 2nd course never arrived. Instead, another waiter appeared with the bill, saying, “No rush, take your time.”  

In my reverie, I appeared ‘stupefied,’ then said, “But I’m waiting for my 2nd course!”

He replied, “Sorry but that order never went in & the waiter’s gone.”

I giggled.  I’d been having so much fun, ‘time’ wasn’t even in the mix. His face transformed mirroring mine; smiles. Then he shared a happy memory:

“You remind me of my ex-girlfriend. She loves writing poetry. No matter where I left her sitting, whether waiting for a meal, a treat or me to run a quick errand, when I returned, I’d find her happily scribbling away on her ‘next poetic masterpiece. Thank you for being such a patient and interesting customer!”

We smiled. He left to order the shrimp dish.

A few minutes later, the shrimp arrived; every morsel scrumptious.

But the best part?

As I finished them off, the 2nd poem in hand, the waiter handed me the ‘revised’ bill, saying, “Remember, no rush. Just take your time.”

I picked up the bill & saw just one small change; a tiny heart squiggled next to the original tally!

“There must be some mistake; you forgot to charge me for the 2nd course.”

“NO mistake; I have the occasional option to comp a customer. Now’s the perfect time. Thank you for making my day—with your patience, for writing and your smile.”

Now that’s what I call “Love’s magical bonus…”  It moves lightly through the world, no agenda but one—to be at peace & touch whoever is open to It! 

Gloria Lionz has been a life coach for four plus decades. She’s also a life-long poet and storyteller. Her training in personal growth began in her early 20’s. With certificates in Reiki, Ho’oponopono, and training with Caroline Myss, the works of Alamaia Will, Lynn Andrews, and Dr. Christiane Northrop. She facilitates group and individual coaching and is also an event planner.  

She is an enthusiastic gardener, an essential oil instructor, and volunteers at her local cat shelter helping cats learn to trust and recover from neglect and/or abuse. She’s committed to living a life of “love in action”—sharing her passion for helping others notice and accept they’re here to love and be loved.

Gloria can be contacted through her email: [email protected]

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  1. Nettie Clarke

    What a stunning example of graceful living. Love to you. Nettie

  2. Gloria, you certainly are love in action. Sharing blessings of everyday miracles and joy
    showered upon all of us, if we only become aware of these special moments.

    • Here’s to seeing and being many more rainbows. That’s one of the reasons I so love Hawaii. Daily rainbows. If not available during monsoon season in the Northwest, can always be viewed on the inner screen. Aloha!

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Gloria, for your beautiful poem and your words of wisdom. I can imagine your waiter feeling uplifted by your love, light, and grace. Clearly, you are the rainbow.

  4. Michael Avery

    Gloria, thank you for adding on to the rainbow theme with your uplifting attitude and verse! I’ve been contemplating on “another way” lately and you used those exact words. Another way is a better way: stopping to choose love.

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