Category: Love & Relationships Page 1 of 11

Our Lives are the Stuff of Miracles

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

As humans in a dynamic world, we’re constantly reminded of our vulnerabilities. Everyone’s life has ups and downs. Yet Spirit’s presence remains. How is it that some feel connected while others don’t? For me, it depends on where I put my attention. Recently, I took myself to lunch. Suddenly, it struck me that doing such a thing a few years ago would have been too painful!


Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

It was July in eastern Washington and the early fruit was just starting to ripen. One of my Native American coworkers mentioned to me his uncle had a huge cherry tree in his backyard that was ready to pick. The old man loved cherries but was hoping someone could use some before the birds got them or they fell on the ground. As I love fresh cherries, I told him I was just the guy that could help him with that.

Song of the Soul (Song)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Riley Carson

Since ancient times, mystics and seekers have spoken of a sacred sound—a living melody that flows through all of existence. Some describe it as celestial music, a subtle current of energy that calls the soul homeward. It is said that those who listen deeply may hear it as a whisper in the wind, a distant hum, or a chorus of unseen harmonies.

Song of the Soul is inspired by this idea—the notion that beyond the noise of everyday life, there exists a sound that nourishes, uplifts, and connects us to something greater than ourselves. This song is an invitation to listen—not just with the ears, but with the heart—to the music that has always been playing within.

The Way of the Shaman (Song)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Michael Avery

I had written most of the words to “The Way of the Shaman” when a friend, Suzie Reeb, related a past-life memory of being a shaman in the area of Utah where the Anasazi once thrived. Her comments were a confirmation that the song, when finished, would touch the lives of others who had served life in such a way. 

Suzie said the video brought back memories of joyful service. My favorite images in the video are accompanied by the words: “It’s all about love.” Please enjoy and share.


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

For over 25 years, I’ve written and shared a Christmas season poem with family and friends.

Each year Spirit leads. I begin by asking the Universe what that year’s theme will be. The wording of my question changes but the intent remains: “What theme does Spirit want me to explore?” And, “how can what I share about it so my words help the reader better realize their link to life’s gifts?”

The Open Heart

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

One of my favorite spiritual exercises is called “The Open Heart.”1 It involves loving or caring for someone or something more than we do ourselves. I practice this daily and have experienced a variety of profound results. 

I love cooking and baking for family, friends, and neighbors. On one particularly crisp winter morning, I was given an opportunity to express my love to a stranger. As I was preparing to leave home to facilitate a Satsang class, I was guided to do something I would not normally do. In addition to the homemade chocolate chips cookies that I brought every month, I included a bunch of bananas and a $20 bill. 

Quit the Chase

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Years ago, I wanted a dog as I hadn’t had one in a while due to changing housing conditions. I missed the companionship and the unconditional love I had experienced with other dogs I’d had.

I visited a local animal shelter, and I was only there a few moments until one dog caught my attention. I knew it was the right one for me.

An Unexpected Valentine

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Sammie Thompson

The theme is still “LOVE”…. There are so many different kinds of Love. We can love—or not love—just about anything. So often in present times, we are so busy with schedules, commitments, activities, being of service to others, we tend to put everything else first and ourselves last—if at all!

Pug Humor Leads to Life Lessons

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

I live in a non-smoking apartment building. A couple of people who smoke have to go outside to have a cigarette. One day when I was leaving, I noticed a cigarette butt on the floor of the lobby. I didn’t pick it up. I went on by thinking that the smoker would pick it up. Or maybe I was being lazy, or not wanting to pick up something that could be contaminated in this age of virulent viruses. Not sure why.

For My Friends on Valentine’s Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

To experience the presence of Love in your life, I offer these thoughts:

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